New Haven Promise

cop-sponsor-little-nhpNo longer just a place-based scholarship program, New Haven Promise supports qualified New Haven public school graduates to and through college as well as their return to the Elm City.

By funding up to full tuition to Connecticut public universities and up to $2,500 annually at private institutions to those who meet residency, civic behavior and academic performance criteria, New Haven Promise is creating a college-going culture, building community and parental engagement and supporting economic development within the Elm City.

In the three academic years since Promise began, there have been significant leaps in every college measure — from immediate matriculation to grade-point average and from applications to approvals and acceptances. In August, New Haven Promise hosted its fourth Scholar Celebration, which was attended by a record 650 scholars and supporters. For a closer look at Promise and its impact in the City, please take a look at an infographic created for the celebration program.