Bay Commitment Scholarship


cop-logo-bay-commitmentThe Bay Commitment College Access Network serves as a free resource for local students, promoting postsecondary education by offering a variety of services. These services include scholarship and financial aid guidance, assistance in choosing a career path and college, access to college resources and the internet, free College Prep Survival Kits and more.

Recognizing that many students face hurdles when it comes to furthering their education, the Bay Commitment assists people of all ages and walks of life. Whether looking to obtain an GED, interested in the skilled trades or a former foster care student, the Commitment has the resources to help.

In May 2015, 100 students were awarded $2,000 each to attend either Delta College or Saginaw Valley State University. Renee Courier, a program officer with the Bay Area Community Foundation, said the scholarship ceremony is “no-go, no-dough;” students must attend to get their scholarship. “It’s important for these students that they see and they feel that this is an important opportunity,” she said.

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