Take Stock in Children


cop-logo-take-stockTake Stock in Children — established in 1995 as a non-profit organization — provides a unique opportunity for Florida’s deserving low-income students to escape the cycle of poverty through education. TSIC offers students college scholarships, caring volunteer mentors and hope for a better life through comprehensive services which start in middle school, continue through high school and include transition into college. Assets for the college scholarships and student services — now at $149 million — comes through a unique public-private fundraising model. Additionally more than 8,000 mentors generously volunteer both time and services to more than 24,000 children in 67 counties throughout the state. Take Stock in Children’s multi-year commitment to at-risk children throughout the state is also an investment in the communities in which the students live. The goal is to continue to reduce the number of high school drop-outs and to increase the number of students who finish college and enter the workforce successfully.

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