Tennessee Promise Plus


cop-logo-tennessee-promise-plusheadsup-logoWith the Tennessee Promise helping high school students go to Cleveland State Community College debt free, school administrators decided to shift the use of the scholarship money the Cleveland State Foundation had traditionally raised for those students.

Now Tennessee Promise Plus focuses on adult learners, who aren’t eligible for the statewide benefits.

“Cleveland State recognizes that Tennessee Promise is limited to students coming right out of high school. We know that adult students are in great need of financial support to access education that will enhance their careers and livelihoods. This is why CSCC, along with the Cleveland State Foundation have strategically reallocated its scholarship funding to provide even greater assistance to adult students – creating their Adult Promise Scholarship,” said school president Dr. Bill Seymour at the announcement in December 2014.

Qualifiers for the Adult Promise must be 19 or older, be in good standing academically and specifically not eligible for the Tennessee Promise. They must also complete the FAFSA, as it is a ‘last-dollar’ scholarship.

The program also makes funds available for entering freshmen in need of book purchasing assistance, which is not covered by the generous Tennessee Promise.
