The College Crusade of Rhode Island


cop-logo-college-crusadeIn 1989 Rhode Island Governor Edward DiPrete put together a public-private partnership to address a growing problem of high school dropouts. The idea was to provide mentors, starting in third grade, who would provide support and give students an incentive to stay in school — a college scholarship. The College Crusade Scholarship is available based on need to students who earn admission to an accredited college, university, community college or trade school. The award maxes out at $3,000 for either a one- or four-year school and $1,725 for a two-year. Those attending school less than full time will receive a pro-rated amount. Last year the Crusade awarded $2.3 million in cash and donated scholarships to 597 scholars. U.S. Appeals Court Judge O. Rogeriee Thompson, a founding member of the Crusade board and former chair, said, “As a judge, I see every day what happens in the lives of young people who are denied educational opportunities. Education is the equalizer that can get people out of poverty and out of desperate situations.”

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